Label: "budget deficit"

forint készpénz árfolyam
August 31, 2023 10:00

Hungary Fiscal Council head also sees growing need to amend budget deficit target

Especially if growth fails to kickstart in third quarter

virág barnabás mnb bef
August 29, 2023 15:39

Hungarian central banker sheds light on post-September path

Shares rationale for today's rate cut too

lyuk deficit mélység zuhanás
August 24, 2023 14:43

Hungarian gov't admits deficit target attainment could be problematic

Growth objective also at risk, official affirms

August 23, 2023 15:26

Hungarian gov't to announce new measures on Thursday

Press conference announced for the morning

Kiszámolták: ennyit segítettek a magyar gazdaságnak az adócsökkentések
August 08, 2023 12:20

Hungary's budget deficit is the lowest in nine years, but we can't afford to sit back and relax

Meanwhile, nearly nine-tenths of the annual deficit target has been met

Mutatjuk a magyarok kedvenc nyaralóhelyeit
July 24, 2023 06:05

Most crucial week of the summer has just started

Crucial data and events bumper to bumper

varga mihaly portfolio budapest economic forum
July 21, 2023 09:35

Hungary FinMin says budget to be reviewed in Sept, central bank law to be amended

Varga stresses importance of forint stability

költségvetés pénzügyminisztérium
July 10, 2023 12:53

Hungary's public deficit unusually low in June, according to first-half data

However, caution is advised until detailed data are available

verseny kiadások állam rangsor prioritás
July 07, 2023 15:00

This is how the Hungarian state is spending our money - It has interesting preferences

We have also compared expenditure with Visegrad Four and EU averages

országház parlament getty stock
July 07, 2023 12:51

Hungarian Parlament adopts 2024 budget

No surprise there, but there are likely to be surprises later

July 06, 2023 17:35

The question is not whether Hungary will raise this year's deficit target, but when and by how much

Budget in big trouble, government must take action

A gyenge forinttal teszteli a piac az MNB hitelességét
July 06, 2023 14:03

Time bomb of Hungarian budget to be neutralised in one fell swoop

Central bank to keep operating with negative equity

July 06, 2023 12:35

Hungarian gov't decides on major budget reallocations

PM's chief of staff promises to keep family allowances intact

Merre megy a forint? - A profik megmondják
July 05, 2023 11:45

Late night decree raises a host of questions about new Hungarian policies

Government seen tweaking sensitive legislation

költségvetés kockázatok akna
July 04, 2023 13:04

Hungarian gov't leaves biggest 'landmine' in 2024 budget bill

Even last-minute amendment dismisses threat

varga mihály költségvetés
July 04, 2023 10:51

Hungary's budget really is in big trouble - Q1 gap largest since 2006

2023 kicks off with mammoth shortfall

July 03, 2023 14:50

Hungarian Parliament may adopt 2024 budget already on Friday

Finance Ministry expects this outcome

vihar felhő
June 26, 2023 11:03

One scary graph to show why the Hungarian government is in deep trouble

The budget model is facing perhaps its biggest challenge yet

June 26, 2023 08:25

Fitch affirms Hungary at 'BBB'

Outlook remains negative